martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Awarded 1st Prize in Short Story and Poetry Competition 2010

Each and every day.

Eight months which I couldn’t bare
Eight months I stayed there
Eight months filled with pain
Eight months in my mind will always remain

Every day I expected death
Battling not to take my last breath
Always being I the prey
I tried to survive each and every day

The scent of corpses I’ve never forgotten
The scent of death, the scent of the rotten
Knowing that I’d have to stay
I tried to survive each and every day

What these eyes have seen I attempt to transmit
I sighted mother and daughter forever split
They slaughtered Jews, blacks, children, gays
As I tried to survive each and every day

Nothing there seemed fair or square
With the other prisoners, nothing to share
Nothing to do, nothing to say
As I tried to survive each and every day

Category C

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